Source type Speech

Address by the President of Ukraine on the Massacre in Bucha

"Presidents do not usually record addresses like this. But today I have to say just that. After what was revealed in Bucha and our other cities the occupiers were expelled from. Hundreds of people were killed. Tortured, executed civilians. Corpses on the streets. Mined area. Even the bodies of the dead were mined!"
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Article screenshot. Title: Romani Ukrainian activist: Russia is deceptively accusing Ukraine of Nazism, Romani people from Russia should at least stay neutral

Romani Ukrainian activist: Russia is deceptively accusing Ukraine of Nazism, Romani people from Russia should at least stay neutral

Russia is deceptively accusing Ukraine of Nazism and exploiting Romani-related subjects to do so. Natali Tomenko, a Romani activist from Ukraine, gave that assessment at a meeting on 30 March held under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Read MoreRomani Ukrainian activist: Russia is deceptively accusing Ukraine of Nazism, Romani people from Russia should at least stay neutral

Russia’s Eliminationist Rhetoric Against Ukraine: A Collection

Dating at least to 2008 or 2009, increasingly hostile language laid the groundwork for rejecting Ukraine’s existence as a state, a national group, and a culture. What follows is a compilation of publicly available statements (readers are invited to submit by email any that we may have missed). Experts such as Francine Hirsch, a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and author of “Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg,” have pointed to such language as evidence of genocidal intent toward the Ukrainian people. Whether and how the concept of “genocide” applies to Russia’s campaign against Ukraine is the subject of debate, notwithstanding the reference in Article II of the Genocide Convention to “the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such.”
Read MoreRussia’s Eliminationist Rhetoric Against Ukraine: A Collection

McCaul Delivers Opening Remarks at Full Committee Hearing on Ukraine Oversight and Accountability

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul: "It’s imperative the American people know about the existing accountability mechanisms [on US assistance to Ukraine], including third-party monitors such as Deloitte, and the robust oversight being conducted by Congress, and in particular, this committee."
Read MoreMcCaul Delivers Opening Remarks at Full Committee Hearing on Ukraine Oversight and Accountability