Category European Union

DISINFO: The EU steals Russian assets to fund its proxy war in Ukraine

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation aiming to deter nations from seizing Russia's frozen assets to fund Ukraine's reconstruction. This is also a recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative claiming that the international sanctions against Russia are inefficient. In response to Russian aggression against Ukraine, the US, EU and several other countries froze about $300 billion in Russian assets deposited in Western banks. It was Russia's illegal actions against Ukraine, which violate the provisions of many international laws, including the UN Charter, that led to the introduction of a long list of sanctions against Russia.
Read MoreDISINFO: The EU steals Russian assets to fund its proxy war in Ukraine

DISINFO: EU – Moldova security and defense deal may indicate preparations for war against Russia

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative claiming that the EU is waging a proxy war against Russia, and that Moldova is being instigated by the West to prepare for a war against Russia. The claim refers to the Security and Defense Partnership signed on 21 May in Brussels by Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Joseph Borell, the European Commission Vice-President.
Read MoreDISINFO: EU – Moldova security and defense deal may indicate preparations for war against Russia

DISINFO: Press freedom means nothing to the European Union

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative about the EU violating freedom of speech and press, in the context of the adoption of the 14th package of EU sanctions on Russian for it's unjustified and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. On 17 May, the Council of the EU decided to suspend the broadcasting of four additional Russia-associated outlets. These are Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, Izvestiya and Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The decision was based on the fact that these media outlets are used as a tool of Russian propaganda and disinformation. See here for the list of outlets sanctioned previously.
Read MoreDISINFO: Press freedom means nothing to the European Union

DISINFO: Europe is preparing for war with Russia and Poland is claiming Ukrainian territory

This is a recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative accusing the West of warmongering, direct involvement in Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and attempting to distract attention from the crimes Russian forces committed during the invasion. See our article All roads lead to Poland. None of the states neighboring Ukraine, except Russia, has any territorial claims to Ukraine. Poland has repeatedly and categorically denied statements by the Russian leadership about the intentions of these countries to "occupy Ukrainian territories."
Read MoreDISINFO: Europe is preparing for war with Russia and Poland is claiming Ukrainian territory

DISINFO: Europe opposes Georgian foreign agent law because it is a paradise of corruption

This is a pro-Kremlin recurrent narrative about the alleged corruption and opacity of the West, purportedly needed by the globalist elites, contrasted with the transparency and probity of the multipolar world. In this instance, the narrative applies to the controversial new Georgian law on "transparency of foreign influence," which is inspired by similar measures in Russia. The new law requires news media and non-governmental organisations that receive more than 20% of their budget from abroad to register as "carrying out the interests of a foreign power." Opponents denounce it as "the Russian law" because it resembles measures pushed through by the Kremlin. Since 2012, the Russian opposition, NGOs, and civil society as a whole have been diminished due to this legislative tool, which was progressively implemented.
Read MoreDISINFO: Europe opposes Georgian foreign agent law because it is a paradise of corruption

DISINFO: The EU is not a democratic entity, it is NATO’s political arm

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative about an undemocratic EU, part of a wider campaign to discredit European democracy ahead of the European Parliament elections. The EU is not 'NATO's political arm'. Though EU-NATO cooperation constitutes an integral pillar of European defence and their security are inter-connected, both are independent of each other, as it is clear from the list of their nation members. NATO includes 9 states that are not members of the European Union, while 4 EU members are not part of the Atlantic Alliance. The European Union is a sovereign entity created by the voluntary initiative of European nations and it has its own, independent foreign policy.
Read MoreDISINFO: The EU is not a democratic entity, it is NATO’s political arm

DISINFO: The EU struck by the virus of fascism on the eve of the elections

Pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative targeting the upcoming European Parliament elections. This narrative also accuses the EU of Nazism. Both claims were made in the context of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The widespread Russian accusations of "Nazism" against European states is a tool of political pressure, since Russia itself is trying to justify its aggression against Ukraine with the mythical need to "denazify" Ukraine. The UN has repeatedly emphasised that Russia's actions seriously undermine the genuine attempts of the world community in the fight against neo-Nazism.
Read MoreDISINFO: The EU struck by the virus of fascism on the eve of the elections

DISINFO: EU mission in Armenia is an instrument of the EU’s hybrid war

Intensively repeated disinformation narrative from pro-Kremlin outlets attempting to discredit the EU mission in Armenia, accusing it of espionage, anti-Russian, anti-Iranian and anti-Azerbaijani activities. From the very beginning, this exclusively civilian mission has been fully transparent about its plans to operate from six hubs. It has no links to NATO or troops from its member countries. From the moment of its launch, EUMA was a target for disinformation, as discussed in our analysis The wrong the wicked and the wacky. Claims about the EU mission in Armenia. The mission was launched in Armenia in response to a request by Armenia. EUMA conducts routine patrolling and reports on the situation, which strengthens the EU's understanding of the situation on the ground.
Read MoreDISINFO: EU mission in Armenia is an instrument of the EU’s hybrid war

DISINFO: Eastern European nationalist ambitions will destroy the EU

Recurrent pro-Kremlin disinformation Poland, Romania and Hungary as states with imperial ambitions. Apart from smearing these EU members, the aim is also to deflect attention away from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This is a modification of a recurring disinformation narrative about the alleged disintegration of the EU. As our past analysis explains, the 'imminent collapse' narrative is often used in pro-Kremlin outlets in relation to the EU, European countries, or capitalism.
Read MoreDISINFO: Eastern European nationalist ambitions will destroy the EU