Category Negotiations and peace deals

DISINFO: Ukraine ‘peace’ summit is another US-invented scam

This is a pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit which Switzerland will host on 15-16 June 2024. The US is not behind this initiative, which was launched upon Ukraine's request with Switzerland agreeing to host. Switzerland has invited over 160 delegations from around the world to join for the first Summit on Peace in Ukraine, including members of the G7, G20, BRICS, many other countries from all continents, as well as the EU, three international organisations and religious representatives. According to the Swiss government, the summit aims to create a framework favourable to comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as "a concrete roadmap for Russia's participation in the peace process." If the summit does not provide fruitful results, it will be because of Russia's impossible preconditions for a peaceful settlement. Russia refuses to engage in any talks before the "unconditional surrender of the Kiev [sic] regime."
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DISINFO: The summit in Switzerland has nothing to do with finding ways to resolve the conflict

This is a pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit that Switzerland will host on 15-16 June, 2024. Also, this is an often-used pro-Kremlin narrative, claiming that the West is not interested in peace between Russia and Ukraine. Western countries, including the US and EU members, have consistently advocated for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. They have called for dialogue, negotiations, and adherence to international law to resolve the crisis. Stability in Ukraine and the wider region is conducive to global security and economic prosperity.
Read MoreDISINFO: The summit in Switzerland has nothing to do with finding ways to resolve the conflict

DISINFO: Boris Johnson called on Kyiv not to sign any peace deal with Russia and just fight

A recurring disinformation narrative in pro-Kremlin outlets claiming that Ukraine and its allies are not interested in peace. The claim, which is also timed to smear Ukraine ahead of the international peace conference hosted in Switzerland 15-16 June 2024, is part of an ongoing pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign in Russia's illegal full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The claim seeks to paint the Ukrainian government as warmongering and Russia as peace-lover / peace proposer. It also attempts to portray Ukraine as a Western puppet state.
Read MoreDISINFO: Boris Johnson called on Kyiv not to sign any peace deal with Russia and just fight

DISINFO: The Switzerland peace conference is set up to issue useless ultimatums to Russia

This is an pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit which Switzerland will host on 15-16 June 2024. Following Ukraine's request, Switzerland has invited over 160 delegations from around the world to join for the first Summit on Peace in Ukraine. The invitees include members of the G7, G20, BRICS, many other countries from all continents, as well as the EU, three international organisations and religious representatives. According to the Swiss government, the summit aims to create a framework favourable to comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as "a concrete roadmap for Russia's participation in the peace process." If the summit does not provide fruitful results, it will be because of Russia's impossible preconditions for a peaceful settlement. Russia refuses to engage in any talks before the "unconditional surrender of the Kiev [sic] regime."
Read MoreDISINFO: The Switzerland peace conference is set up to issue useless ultimatums to Russia

DISINFO: Russia is open to fair dialogue on Ukraine

This is an often used pro-Kremlin narrative according to which the West is interested in prolonging the war in Ukraine. The assertion that Western countries harbour a desire for the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine lacks any substantial foundation and is devoid of factual support. Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin have a track record of pretending negotiations which are, in fact, just blunt demands for Ukrainian unconditional surrender. We have analysed and exposed this disinformation tactic in several articles, especially: "Prepare for winter" (30 Nov. 2023), "Russian so-called 'peace proposals' are empty PR stunts" (18 Jan. 2023) , "What He Said and What it Really Means - Vol. 2: "Negotiations" (1. March 2022) and "The Kremlin security demands" (21 Dec. 2021).
Read MoreDISINFO: Russia is open to fair dialogue on Ukraine

FactChecking the Fourth GOP Primary Debate

Christie derided Ramaswamy's plan for ending Russia's war in Ukraine, saying it would concede to Russia "all the land they've already stolen" and keep Ukraine from joining NATO (although Christie misspoke, saying the plan would keep Ukraine out of Russia). In exchange, Christie said, Ramaswamy would trust Russian President Vladimir Putin "not to have a relationship with China." Ramaswamy shot back, "That's not my deal." But it seems to be a mostly accurate synopsis of what Ramaswamy had proposed in June and refers to as the "reasonable peace deal."
Read MoreFactChecking the Fourth GOP Primary Debate