Category 2023 Hawaii wildfires

PolitiFact | ‘Zero response’ for Maui, Hawaii claim is false; government aid came hours after wildfire started

Claim: "There has been zero response from local, regional or federal officials" to aid people affected by the Maui, Hawaii, wildfires. Verdict: 'Zero response' for Maui, Hawaii claim is false; government aid came hours after wildfire started
Read MorePolitiFact | ‘Zero response’ for Maui, Hawaii claim is false; government aid came hours after wildfire started

No, Ukraine is not taking money from Hawai’i relief

In the wake of the devastating wildfires on Hawai’i in August 2023, viral posts falsely claimed that the US government would only provide $700 in aid each to affected households. In fact, the federal government responded quickly to the horrific disaster in Maui, conducting extensive rescue operations and providing aid far in excess of $700 per household.
Read MoreNo, Ukraine is not taking money from Hawai’i relief

Researchers: Disinformation campaign spread after wildfires slowed disaster response

A disinformation campaign that sprung up almost immediately after wildfires ravaged Maui was spread by China and Russia, researchers have concluded. And, they say, that campaign made the government’s response to the disaster even more difficult. From weather warfare to floating bodies on another island to thousands of missing children to a Maui land grab, experts say online posts about the wildfires might have started as genuine concern. But they also said China and Russia are now using artificial intelligence to amplify false messages and spread fear, division and distrust in government.
Read MoreResearchers: Disinformation campaign spread after wildfires slowed disaster response

Joe Biden’s Aid to Hawaii vs Ukraine Aid Compared: What We Know

Some Republicans and conservative commentators questioned President Joe Biden's priorities after the government announced a further $200 million of security assistance for Kyiv as it battles Russia's invasion, on the same day that people affected by the fires in Hawaii were offered $700 a household. This is not the totality of the federal aid that will go to Maui, however. Although some figures have been released, the disaster recovery effort is in its early stages and further disbursements are expected in the days and weeks to come.
Read MoreJoe Biden’s Aid to Hawaii vs Ukraine Aid Compared: What We Know

Reddit post: damn corrupt americans, only sending weapons in ukraine instead of sending them to hawaii to kill the fires there

Imagine if Biden sent all that aid to Hawaii instead of Ukraine. Daily reminder: when you read news about "the US sending X billion dollars of aid to Ukraine", they aren't sending them money. They are sending older, used equipment worth X billion, which doesn't cost the US taxpayer a single cent. They might even save money, as the government no longer has to pay for the old equipment's storage, guarding, decommissioning, etc.
Read MoreReddit post: damn corrupt americans, only sending weapons in ukraine instead of sending them to hawaii to kill the fires there

Twitter post: This is a lie. In the actual video he posted, the head of FEMA says the Individual And Households Program can give up to $41,000.

This is a lie. In the actual video he posted, the head of FEMA says the Individual And Households Program can give up to $41,000. Ryan Knight is counting on people just reading his bullshit and not watching the video that contradicts his lie.
Read MoreTwitter post: This is a lie. In the actual video he posted, the head of FEMA says the Individual And Households Program can give up to $41,000.