Fact vs Fake tip #3: Look for Emotional Manipulation.

Fact vs Fake tip #3: Look for Emotional Manipulation. Fake news and propaganda often use emotional language to sway opinions. If the article is trying to make you angry, afraid, or smug – be skeptical. Activating your emotions doesn’t prove a piece of news is fake, but it is a sign to take an extra-careful look.
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Fact vs Fake tip #2: Is it the whole story?

Fact vs Fake tip # 1: Is it the whole story? Cross-reference information. Don’t rely on a single source. Check the facts against multiple other sources, especially those that have a different viewpoint. If a claim is true, multiple sources should verify it.
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Fact vs Fake tip #1: Check the source

Fact vs Fake tip #1: Check the source. Before you take any story at face value, check where it’s coming from. Is it a reputable outlet with a history of accurate reporting? Or is it a site you’ve never heard of, that is pushing sensational stories?
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Bot networks. Online propaganda. “Troll farms”.

Hostile governments, and ideological factions spend millions to flood your news and social media with known untruths about what’s happening in Ukraine.

The good news: Today, it’s easier than ever to trace reports back to the source.

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Ukraine Fact Check is an independent project tracking viral claims about Ukraine. We trace reports back to the source, and give readers tools they can use to judge for themselves where the truth lies.
We believe in accuracy and transparency. Our goal is to empower members of the public to make informed decisions with the most complete information possible.

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Fact Checks

Latest fact checks – by our team

Deadly Kramatorsk missile was Russian – not Ukrainian

Deadly Kramatorsk missile was Russian – not Ukrainian

On June 28, 2023, a Russian missile hit a crowded restaurant in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk. 13 people died in this attack, including at least 3 children and a leading Ukrainian poet and author (as of July 3). As with pretty much every major strike on civilians, to add insult to injury, false stories immediately began being circulated by pro-Russian influencers online.
The word "Fake" appears in red letters on top of a screenshot of a social media post, which describes so-called baby factories supposedly discovered in Ukraine.

Fake news: No evidence of ‘baby factories’ in Ukraine

Sick: BBC’s fact-checking team have traced false claims of “baby factories” in Ukraine back to a notorious online hoax factory. “Who would possibly lie about something like that?” you might reasonably ask yourself. Depressingly, we have the answer to that question.

Latest fact checks – From across the internet

DISINFO: Ukraine releases water from hydroelectric power station to slow down Russian offensive

DISINFO: Ukraine releases water from hydroelectric power station to slow down Russian offensive

Recurring pro-Kremlin disinformation narrative about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Fluctuations in water levels in the Dnipro River are due to the balancing of the Ukrainian energy system, which was damaged as a result of Russian missile attacks on the Ukrainian energy system. Also, small changes in the water level in the Dnipro River cascade of reservoirs are due to the natural process of the spring flood in Ukraine.
DISINFO: Ukraine ‘peace’ summit is another US-invented scam

DISINFO: Ukraine ‘peace’ summit is another US-invented scam

This is a pre-emptive attempt to discredit the peace summit which Switzerland will host on 15-16 June 2024. The US is not behind this initiative, which was launched upon Ukraine’s request with Switzerland agreeing to host. Switzerland has invited over 160 delegations from around the world to join for the first Summit on Peace in Ukraine, including members of the G7, G20, BRICS, many other countries from all continents, as well as the EU, three international organisations and religious representatives. According to the Swiss government, the summit aims to create a framework favourable to comprehensive and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as “a concrete roadmap for Russia’s participation in the peace process.” If the summit does not provide fruitful results, it will be because of Russia’s impossible preconditions for a peaceful settlement. Russia refuses to engage in any talks before the “unconditional surrender of the Kiev [sic] regime.”


Latest resources – From across the internet

OpenAI disrupts Israeli, Chinese, Russian influence campaigns

OpenAI disrupts Israeli, Chinese, Russian influence campaigns

OpenAI has announced that it disrupted covert influence campaigns originating from Russia, China, Israel and Iran.
67% of top brands advertise on misinformation websites

67% of top brands advertise on misinformation websites

A study published in the journal, Nature, by researchers has shown that most prominent brands are inadvertently funding online misinformation. 

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