Title: | No, this video doesn’t show Ukrainians setting fire to an Orthodox church |
URL: | https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20230411-ukraine-fire-orthodox-church-debunked-video-novopoltavka |
Publisher: | France 24 |
Date published: | April 11, 2023 |
Description: | Did Ukrainians really set a Russian Orthodox church on fire? A video purporting to show just that has been circulating online since April 5, 2023. However, it turns out that this video was filmed in Russia more than ten years ago and shows an accidental fire. |
No, this video doesn’t show Ukrainians setting fire to an Orthodox church
Did Ukrainians really set a Russian Orthodox church on fire? A video purporting to show just that has been circulating online since April 5, 2023. However, it turns out that this video was filmed in Russia more than ten years ago and shows an accidental fire.