Title: | This video showing Ukrainians kneeling as a convoy passes was filmed before the current war |
URL: | https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20220322-debunked-ukraine-convoy-religious-relics-kyiv |
Publisher: | France 24 |
Date published: | March 16, 2022 |
Description: | Tens of thousands of people have watched a video posted on Facebook that allegedly shows Ukrainians kneeling as a convoy carries religious relics through the streets of Kyiv to a bunker. However, this video is actually from several years ago and shows a funeral procession for fallen soldiers in another part of Ukraine. |
This video showing Ukrainians kneeling as a convoy passes was filmed before the current war
Tens of thousands of people have watched a video posted on Facebook that allegedly shows Ukrainians kneeling as a convoy carries religious relics through the streets of Kyiv to a bunker. However, this video is actually from several years ago and shows a funeral procession for fallen soldiers in another part of Ukraine.