Title: | DISINFO: The attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico’s life was political terrorism in retaliation for his pro-Russian position |
URL: | https://euvsdisinfo.eu/report/the-attempt-on-slovak-pm-robert-ficos-life-was-political-terrorism-in-retaliation-for-his-pro-russian-position/ |
Publisher: | EU vs Disinfo |
Date published: | May 15, 2024 |
Description: | There is no evidence of the involvement of any Western country in the assassination attempt on Fico. Slovakian media identified the shooter as 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, a self-described writer who previously worked as a security guard and is allegedly linked to pro-Russian group SlovaÄki branci. Slovakia’s interior minister, Matus Sutaj Estok, told reporters that Cintula was a “lone wolf, whose actions were accelerated after the presidential election since he was dissatisfied with its outcome.” |
DISINFO: The attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico’s life was political terrorism in retaliation for his pro-Russian position
There is no evidence of the involvement of any Western country in the assassination attempt on Fico.
Slovakian media identified the shooter as 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, a self-described writer who previously worked as a security guard and is allegedly linked to pro-Russian group SlovaÄki branci. Slovakia's interior minister, Matus Sutaj Estok, told reporters that Cintula was a "lone wolf, whose actions were accelerated after the presidential election since he was dissatisfied with its outcome."